Getting Past The Spam Filter And Into The Inbox

Like most of my blog posts, this one is in response to a question I recently received (and have received many times in the past) from a friend. Email Marketing continues to be a strong and valuable asset in the hands of any marketer. However, email deliverability or the ability to get one's marketing emails…

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Modern Combat Magazine – Hidden CCW Traps Gun Owners Don't Know

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Meet the Pressers – Episode XI

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You Have Emails But You Don't Have An Email Marketing Strategy

This is for any business owner or marketer who is currently NOT sending regular emails to an email list of subscribers, customers, and potential customers. This conversation usually happens when I'm talking to a business owner who has been around for a few years but doesn't currently send much or any email. WHY You Need…

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Getting a High ROI From Your Booth

I've been through a handful of business ventures and through them all I've been to A LOT of trade shows where I've seen A LOT of booths. I've had some opportunities to manage or execute a booth or two of my own and today's blog post is my attempt to point out the obvious lessons…

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Warrior Life Podcast – Defense At The Door

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How and Why To Buy Domains That Are Not Available

In 2016 I was attending the Traffic and Conversion Summit event where I heard a presentation from Perry Belcher about some of his best tips to acquiring good domain names. Since then I've been on a personal journey to acquire quality domain names. I've found some tricks that work for me and some that I…

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ABC Denver – Arvada HOA approves backyard bees, then backs off its decision

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The Dumbest Mistakes When Returning A Product To An Online Vendor

For the most part, it is a simple and routine part of my workload but there are some patterns I see from our customers that DRIVE ME NUTS. Below are some of those patterns distilled into some suggestions and advice that I wish my customers would read… but alas it would probably be a little rude to include the below in each package that goes out the door.

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