What Inspires Us to be Heroes?

I suppose that I’m only normal if I find some of my very greatest inspiration in movies, literature, and art. Well maybe I’m a little more nuts than most because I consciously think about these things and the themes and lessons that are being taught. I suspect sometimes that I’m even finding hidden meanings where…

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Its Only Sorta About Who You Know in Life…

I was recently interviewed about my experience as an entrepreneur. In the course of the 60 minute interview a very powerful phrase came out of my mouth and I’ve been reflecting on it ever since. I said, “Its not actually about who you know in life, but instead about who you are in life that…

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MLM:: Plan of Action

Goals are a big part of any business. Over time we have been taught a lot about setting effective goals including the power of written goals. What a lot of people don’t understand is the importance of an action plan. Without a step by step plan to reach your goal you have nothing more than a wish.

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MLM Fast Start Ebook Giveaway

This E-Book contains valuable lessons about analyzing the industry and preparing for success. Learn about the most common mistakes that people make when getting started and how to gain momentum in the first few weeks.

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Harry Potter on Personal Development:: Belief Equals Reality

In the book “The Half Blood Prince,” Ron believes that he has been given , the lucky potion. Because his own belief system is changed, his reality also changes. He performs as if he had been lucky. Clearly this effect would only work if Ron already had the skills necessary to perform. The important point is how our own beliefs change our reality.

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Harry Potter on Personal Development:: Decision Making

“Sometimes making a decision is more important than making the best decision.” Harry Potter is a very decisive person. When confronted with decisions he certainly doesn’t always make the best one but I would argue that by making one right away vs weighing it out in his mind for too long he tends to come…

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Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Sometimes we have to stretch ourselves a little. How often do we really stick out our own necks to perform? In an effort to both make the goal and publicly declare it I am writing this post. On August 8th, 2008 I will run a half marathon here in Provo, Utah. The Provo River Trail…

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