Various Internet Marketing Mediums for Small Businesses

Over the course of 2010 I have met with thousands of small business advertisers to discuss their internet advertising campaigns. Consistently I have found that most small business owners do not have the resources to hire a dedicated in house expert to run their internet advertising. This results in one of 3 scenarios:

  • The business does nothing being already overwhelmed with the other aspects of the business
  • The business owner outsources to whatever salesperson walks in the door and claims to be able to take care of it
  • The business owner attempts to self-educate themselves and spends a lot of time and energy accomplishing very little

Regardless of where you find yourself in this group this article is for you. I have quickly tried to outline the various mediums of Internet advertising. This will hopefully help you clarify a strategy to branding your business online and driving traffic to your website. More to come on this subject.

internet advertising


  1. Buzinov on April 20, 2011 at 7:59 pm

    Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them.

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