Coupon Marketing Is About To Face An Armageddon

I see a marketing Armageddon on the horizon as it relates to the utilization of coupon codes. Coupon Aggregators are stealing your revenue twice over and we are letting them. Influencers and eCommerce business owners need to consider how we will fight and win this battle.

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My Top WordPress Plugins of 2022

WordPress is an ever-changing platform with new developers entering the community all the time. I was just reviewing some older posts here on my site where I recommend WordPress plugins and I realized that many of those are plugins I don’t use anymore because something new has come along that is better, or they are…

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My Top WordPress Plugins of 2021

Looking back at the last year these are the WordPress and WooCommerce plugins that I’ve discovered and installed that I feel are worth sharing. SEO, Video Gallery, Gamification, Zapier, and much more! Also linked is my evergreen page of the top plugins I’m using right now regardless of when I found them.

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The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Affiliate Marketing

While these principles will apply to any industry and any business the specific examples given are relevant to the firearm industry. Anyone who provides a service or product to a customer can benefit from affiliate marketing. You might be an online content creator leveraging blogging, YouTube, or Instagram. Perhaps you are a service provider who…

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How to Launch A Successful Podcast

In December 2015 when my business partner suggested we launch a podcast I wasn’t convinced. I was certainly familiar with podcasts but had never loyally followed or listened to one. My initial response was a common one for me, “that sounds like a lot of work.” I’m always skeptical of new initiatives that don’t have…

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