10 More Useful WordPress Plugins

wordpressIn the past I have done a variety of tutorials about great WordPress Plugins. It started with my youtube video about how to post correctly on WordPress back in April 2009. Since I have also done a tutorial video about All In One SEO, cForms, Google Analytics, and Google XML Sitemap plugins. In January I also did a very popular article about WordPress Blog security which gave an overview of plugins that can be used to protect your site from hackers.

Today I want to talk about 10 other plugins that I use on almost all of my WordPress sites!

    1. Digg Digg. This plugin tends to be the cleanest and most effective way to insert “Share Via” buttons such as Digg, Twitter, Facebook, etc. You can see how it is executed here at the top of this page.
    2. Exclude Pages From Navigation. In building a wordpress site you often have pages that you do not want visible in the main site’s navigation. This plugin inserts a checkbox that allows you to designate which pages will and will not appear.
    3. Hana FLV Player. If you have been looking for an effective way to insert native videos on your site this is it. I have been impressed with this plugin (which utilizes FlowPlayer) to embed native video files into a video player on your posts and pages.
    4. Social Media Widget. The cleanest way I’ve see so far to insert “Follow Me” buttons for the most popular Social Media sites.
    5. Tweet Old Post. This plugin will regularly tweet your older posts for you at designated intervals. If you have a strong twitter following this can be an effective way to bring additional traffic and keep your Twitter feed active.
    6. WordPress Mobile Pack. This is my favorite plugin for mobilizing your blog into a friendly format for Smartphone browsers.
    7. WP Polls. This is an effective and clean polling service plugin.
    8. What Would Seth Godin Do. This plugin inserts a message into pages and posts that will only be visible by first time visitors to your site. An effective way to ask first time visitors to take an action.
    9. WP e-Commerce Plugin. The most effective way to set up a shopping cart on your site. Its free and offers a wide range of strong options.
    10. Datafeedr Random Ads V2. This plugin allows you to rotate amongst several ads in one position. You can setup ad groups and it will generate a php code for you to enter into the most appropriate places in your template.

Jacob S Paulsen


  1. Ned McArthur on November 1, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    I’ve started using the plugins you recommended on your last post. Love ’em! I’ll give these a try now. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Juhi Sharma on November 1, 2011 at 10:34 pm

    Thanks for the article. I recently started blogging for my company and am not very familiar with WP. This was very helpful. Can you provide some tools or techniques for corporate blogs in particular.. ?

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