My Top WordPress Plugins of 2022

WordPress is an ever-changing platform with new developers entering the community all the time. I was just reviewing some older posts here on my site where I recommend WordPress plugins and I realized that many of those are plugins I don’t use anymore because something new has come along that is better, or they are…

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My Top WordPress Plugins of 2021

Looking back at the last year these are the WordPress and WooCommerce plugins that I’ve discovered and installed that I feel are worth sharing. SEO, Video Gallery, Gamification, Zapier, and much more! Also linked is my evergreen page of the top plugins I’m using right now regardless of when I found them.

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10 More Useful WordPress Plugins

A quick list of 10 effective and well tested Wordpress Plugins. Social & Viral sharing options, Video Player, Core menu control, twitter automation plugin, Mobile Friendly Sites, Polling, Shopping cart & e-commerce, & Ad rotation control

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WordPress Malware & Virus Attacks. Blog Security

that I was not the only one to be attacked and that there will yet be many more people in the future I would like to outline some suggestions of both how you can prevent these types of attacks in the future and how to clean out the malware on your site if you have already been infected.

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