How To Bulk Generate Unique Coupon Codes With WooCommerce

If you have occasion to need to generate a large number of coupon codes that are all unique but have the same rules, restrictions, and parameters this tutorial is for you. Why Doing This Using The Default WooCommerce Coupons Will Suck Sadly there is no way with WooCommerce to create more than one coupon at…

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My Top WordPress Plugins of 2022

WordPress is an ever-changing platform with new developers entering the community all the time. I was just reviewing some older posts here on my site where I recommend WordPress plugins and I realized that many of those are plugins I don’t use anymore because something new has come along that is better, or they are…

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My Top WordPress Plugins of 2021

Looking back at the last year these are the WordPress and WooCommerce plugins that I’ve discovered and installed that I feel are worth sharing. SEO, Video Gallery, Gamification, Zapier, and much more! Also linked is my evergreen page of the top plugins I’m using right now regardless of when I found them.

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Three WordPress SEO Tricks You Are Likely Neglecting

You have a WordPress based website and you pride yourself on knowing the SEO basics but are you forgetting to do a few simple things that could make a big difference? Three Simple WordPress SEO Suggestions: 1: Category descriptions Visit the Categories sub-menu under the Posts menu. Does it look like this? Its time to…

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WooCommerce Plugin – Product Specific Thank You Page

This plugin for WordPress and extension for WooCommerce allows the admin to designate a custom thank you page. When a custom thank you page has been set for a product, upon checkout the customer will see the order completed page for only a few seconds and then will be forwarded to the designated page.

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