The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Recruiters

You are probably familiar with Stephen Covey’s best seller “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The principles taught in that book are powerful and true. Today I am going to use his basic outline of habits to teach you how to be an effective recruiter in your business. These simple principle based steps can take you from the bottom ranks of your company to the very top if you will study and apply them in sequencial order.

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Harry Potter on Personal Development:: Belief Equals Reality

In the book “The Half Blood Prince,” Ron believes that he has been given , the lucky potion. Because his own belief system is changed, his reality also changes. He performs as if he had been lucky. Clearly this effect would only work if Ron already had the skills necessary to perform. The important point is how our own beliefs change our reality.

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Twitter – Which Comes First the Influence or Interaction?

So I’ve been having this conversation with other Internet Marketing buddies. When it comes to twitter its important to start a conversation and interact with people in a genuine and sincere way but what about just the general effort to get twitter followers? It seems that people judge your credibility based on the number of…

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The Big 3. Social Media Marketing Holy Trio

The basic concept of social networking and online marketing is the same as traditional offline marketing. Meet people, build trust, and expose them to your product/opportunity. The reason the internet is getting so much attention is because of the ability to meet so many people at once. Building credibility is made a little more difficult…

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Anthony Robbins & Deepak Chopra in Person…

The first weekend of June I had a unique opportunity to do some executive protection work (bodyguard) for some well known people visiting Salt Lake City for a convention. Many of you may not know that while I’m an internet marketer and a network marketer, by trade I’m a security professional.

While I of course don’t mean to promote Zrii in this post I do want to share some insights that I learned from these great speakers and people both on stage and backstage.

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How To Master Social Media Principles in Less than 2 Pages!

I get a lot of phone calls from online friends who need assistance in setting up their websites and their social media profiles to begin working in internet marketing and social networking. Every once in awhile I think to myself that I should write a 2 page guide to “Online Domination Setup” which I could…

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WordPress Tutorial Videos – Best Plugins

I am continuing my series of tutorial videos with these two tutorials about Wordpress plugins. The first video goes over three CRUCIAL plugins that all wordpress sites should be using and the second video covers the cforms plugin which I have found to be the best for creating forms on your site. After you…

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