CCW Safe Use of Force Expert Rob High and Firing Line Radio host Phillip Naman are joined by CCW Safe COO Stan Campbell and Jacob Paulsen of to discuss the upcoming 2022 Guardian Nation Conference.

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Why Retail Isn't Dead and How the Firearm Industry Is Especially Resilient

I'm a product of the internet marketing industry. In 2007 I built my first website and read “SEO For Dummies.” In 2010 I boarded 99 airplanes traveling the country and helping traditional media companies adapt to and sell online advertising. Today, I operate an eCommerce business, manage about 20 websites, operate my own email marketing…

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The Three Tiers of Providers As It Relates to The Firearm Industry

As a business owner in the firearm industry, I have the task of navigating service providers as it relates to their company policies on firearms and weapons. This often means we may not be able to do business with or work with service providers because they have decided our association with the firearm industry makes…

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If your house were about to burn down and you only had 5 minutes to grab something what would you grab?

It is an old exercise that I've seen a few times including in at least one major Hollywood movie. The idea is to force some inner analysis in thinking through what is really the most important in life. Seems like a valuable exercise but like most things, the theoretical exercise never measures up to the…

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A Product Funnel For Firearm Instructors

In the last 15 years as a firearm instructor, I've seen many different firearm instruction business models. There are some very successful firearm training companies out there but the vast majority of instructors are part-time and effectively stuck in a rut not knowing how to grow their business. This article is part of a series…

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My Top WordPress Plugins of 2021

Looking back at the last year these are the WordPress and WooCommerce plugins that I've discovered and installed that I feel are worth sharing. SEO, Video Gallery, Gamification, Zapier, and much more! Also linked is my evergreen page of the top plugins I'm using right now regardless of when I found them.

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Web Hosting and Website Builders for The Firearm Industry

I built my first website in 2006 using Microsoft Frontpage which was at that time on its way out. In 2007 I first learned about the concept of a CMS and built a website using WordPress version 1. Since then I've built and maintained over 100 websites both of my own and of clients. Today…

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The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Affiliate Marketing

While these principles will apply to any industry and any business the specific examples given are relevant to the firearm industry. Anyone who provides a service or product to a customer can benefit from affiliate marketing. You might be an online content creator leveraging blogging, YouTube, or Instagram. Perhaps you are a service provider who…

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Off Duty On Duty Podcast: Don't Get Shot By the Police Revisited

An interview I gave for a podcast talking about training and strategies to prevent an armed, non-LEO responder from being shot by responding police officers.

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