New WordPress Automated SEO Plugin

SEO is at the top of every person’s mind because what is the point of having a website if nobody ever sees it. Since SEO can be a very complicated effort, we are all looking for tools to help facilitate and automate the processes. SEOPressor is one of those tools.

SEOPressor SEO WordPress Plugin

This plugin facilitates several of the simplifies proven SEO techniques including:

  • Inserting Keywords in H1, H2, and H3 Header tags
  • Bolding Keywords
  • Italicize Keywords
  • Underline Keywords
  • Include Keywords in image ALT tags
  • Control Keyword density
  • Monitor internal links to other pages
  • Monitor no-follow exterior links

The SEOPressor plugin simply allows you to enter a keyword or keyword phrase that you wish you emphasize on each page and post of your WordPress blog/site. After you have indicated what the primary word of focus is, the SEOPressor plugin will give you feedback in the form of a checklist of what more you can do to optimize that post or page. It will also generate a keyword density and overall SEO score for each page and post.

In addition you can enter words that you wish you optimize throughout your entire site. Click below to watch a quick video which outlines the features and usage of the SEOPressor plugin. When you are ready to get started you will need to decide if you want to buy a single use license (for use on only one WordPress site) or an unlimited license for use on all your WordPress sites.


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