Google Plus 1 Now Integrated Into Google Adwords: Social SEO

adwordsThe reason online marketing professionals are excited about Google +1 is because of the influence that this new social network can have on search results on Google. We have now taken one step closer to that reality as the +1 buttons have been added to Paid Results via Google Adwords.

You may also notice (as illustrated in red above) that Google Places has been further integrated into paid advertising as well. Advertisers can now integrate their business listing which, if you have a lot of positive reviews adds so much more credibility to your ad in comparison to your competitors.

This further shows how Google is trying to drive the integration of its many products and how you can benefit from a full approach to driving reviews.


  1. Brad Marcus on March 12, 2012 at 10:26 am

    Google is finally taking the gloves off and leveraging their array of integrated solutions. It’s always been a dirty little secret that Google favored listings that were integrasted into their other products. Clarity is one of Google’s great assets for website owners and here is another way for the savvy business owner to set his brand above the rest.

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