I’m Nothing Like Daredevil

Daredevil is an awesome Marvel superhero who was blinded as a child by some chemicals. In the process his sense of hearing was enhanced so significantly that it became a sort of radar that allowed him to essentially see even without traditional eyesight.  At age 15 I lost hearing in my right ear. A nasty…

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I Found Out My Kids Can’t Dial 9-1-1

It occurred to me all of the sudden. I was thinking about my own childhood and how I was taught when I should dial the universal emergency number. I imagined in my own mind the house where I grew up, grabbing the phone from the wall in the kitchen and dialing three numbers; 9-1-1. That…

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How I Built My Business While Keeping My Day Job

When I quit my day job to start working on my own business full time people expressed a lot of concern. I suppose that most of them assumed that I was going to venture out and start something new… building from the ground up. That wasn’t the case. The truth was that I had spent…

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Examples of How A School Teacher Retired Wealthy

My parents understood that wealth accumulation isn’t so much a factor of how much money you make but how much money you save. Living “within” your means was thought to be extravagant and seeing how much money could be socked away was more of an inner competition than a simple goal.

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Eliminating the Common Cold From Life

The year is half over and so far I haven’t been sick once. I don’t know if I can maintain this perfect streak through the rest of the year but I intend to. The environment hasn’t changed much, I still live in the same place and my children still bring germs home and spread them. I didn’t even exercise much more than before

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July 4th Flag Raising Ceremony at the Paulsen Home

This was a somber occasion as we all shared in giving honor to the greatest symbol of our country. My wonderful wife prepared muffins and other snacks for all those who came. We are very grateful to all those who took time out of their holiday to spend a little time with our family.

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