Bug in the Ear… The Real Thing

Recently while I was on the phone Ami came rushing into the house from the backyard where she had been working screaming something about a bug climbing into her ear.

Yeah it was true. With my head light on… looking into the ear canal I finally caught a glimpse of the bug turning the corner. I tried calling our family… doctor. He is both family and doctor so take that how you wish but he didn't answer.

bug in earIn case this ever happens to you… we followed the instructions provided by the top Google search results… later confirmed by the doctor. Get a siringe and spray water into the ear canal. Apparently the ear drum is hard to get past if you are a bug and hard to damage or break if you are fast moving water. This worked to wash out the bug.

Moral of this story, next time you hear someone say something about having a bug in their ear you should believe them.


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