Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone is For Sissies

Everyone is always telling you to get out of your comfort zone. If you get a little out of your comfort zone you will always have a little success. If you want to have a significant break through you have to break through. It time to completely crush the comfort zone. Make the comfort zone look outright silly.

Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it. – Steve Prefontaine

Great success comes in life when we decide to do something completely crazy. When we scare ourselves with the risk we are taking. Fear is the first killer of success. Fear breeds failure. What are you afraid of?

Well, well . . . I’m impressed. That suggests what you fear most of all is — fear. Very wise, Harry.” -Professor Lupin

My wife runs 3 miles every time she goes running. One day she decided to keep going. When she got to 4 miles she decided to keep going. Now she runs 5 miles every time she goes running. Life is a series of short sprints that catapult us to the next level of performance where we maintain our position and prepare for the next hyper growth.

How Business Growth Works – The Plateau Principle

Jim Collins recorded in his book “Good to Great” that one of the core principles of great companies is the BHAG. Big Hairy Audacious Goals are consistently a part of the strategy of all great organizations. Consider something that you want to do and recruit supporters. Run as fast as you can toward it.

Goals are won in the 2nd and 3rd lap of the Race

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