Are You The Hero Or The Victim Of Your Story?

We all relate well to superhero stories. Who doesn’t love a story of someone swooping in to save everyone from a great calamity and criminal? As it relates to our own life story, I have found there are generally three types of characters; Heroes, Victims, and Bad Guys. Which are you? Sadly We Are All…

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The Killing Paradigms or Lies of Entrepreneurship

Thinking back on my various failed ventures I can always identify one of the two paradigms below as being the driving factor in my failure. When I talk to would be or starting out entrepreneurs I now more easily recognize when they are equally stuck in one of these paradigms. The biggest issue is that…

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Marketing: What Job Is Your Product Being Hired To Do

When working on product development, and then when marketing a product, ask yourself, “What job will my customer hire my product to do?” In addition to looking at this from the marketing and business angle I also want to address how this applies to relationships and personal development.

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Salt Lake City Marathon: I’m Alive

In 2009 I ran a half marathon in Provo, UT. It was a fantastic challenge. In 2010 I competed in a triathlon relay with my family. This year I ran a marathon. I think I might be done with running challenges for a little while. I’m a runner and will always run but I don’t…

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Increasing Your Ability to Take the High Road

When the most difficult choices in life come to you, you too “will have to choose between that which is easy, and that which is right.” The voice or power deep inside which guides us to take the high road must be developed and strenghtened. We work it out just like any other muscle. In the end it will be the small day to day decisions that we make that will build the strength we need to do the most

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