A Product Funnel For Firearm Instructors

In the last 15 years as a firearm instructor, I’ve seen many different firearm instruction business models. There are some very successful firearm training companies out there but the vast majority of instructors are part-time and effectively stuck in a rut not knowing how to grow their business. This article is part of a series…

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Increasing Your Ability to Take the High Road

When the most difficult choices in life come to you, you too “will have to choose between that which is easy, and that which is right.” The voice or power deep inside which guides us to take the high road must be developed and strenghtened. We work it out just like any other muscle. In the end it will be the small day to day decisions that we make that will build the strength we need to do the most

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How Business Growth Works – The Plateau Principle

Sometimes the most frustrating thing for an entrepreneur can be stagnant results over a period of hard and consistent work. That is why its important for all people to understand the Plateau Principle and how it works in every aspect of your life. The principle put simple is, “All growth happens in

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