The Dumbest Mistakes When Returning A Product To An Online Vendor

For the most part, it is a simple and routine part of my workload but there are some patterns I see from our customers that DRIVE ME NUTS. Below are some of those patterns distilled into some suggestions and advice that I wish my customers would read… but alas it would probably be a little rude to include the below in each package that goes out the door.

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Implement Call Tracking to Monitor Your ROI and Operation

The general idea is that you pay a company to provide you with a unique phone number (local or toll free) that you place on advertising or printed collateral such as business cards. Incoming phone calls are forwarded to your office phone or other phone of choice. The service provider gives you access to reporting.

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Reputation Mangement: Quick Look at Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a no cost service that searches the ongoing Google index of the web for a preset list of your designated keywords or phrases. This is particularly effective at searching on blogs and news sites. The service is not perfect and the more remote the site where your keywords or phrases are used the less…

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Launching Your Online Marketing Plan: Basics Summary

Are you trying to get started with a website, blog, or lead generation page? Are you trying to sort through all of the different software programs available for email marketing, blogging, managing social media, and webcasting? Here is my simple walk through: Start With Hosting If you are going to manage an online presence you…

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Are You Still Ignoring Google Places? Components & Overview

Late October of 2010 Google changed the search engine marketing (SEM) game again. The format in which local business results are displayed within search results changed dramatically. In the past I used to think of paid search, local search, and organic search (seo) as distinctly different strategies of search engine marketing. The changes from last…

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Facebook & Twitter for Local Businesses

One of the most common things I’ve heard from local advertisers when discussing internet marketing and SEO is, “How am I supposed to use Facebook & Twitter for my business?” Local businesses know very little about internet marketing on average. They generally know that they need a good website and that they are supposed to have a Facebook page and Twitter. In a society where 4 of the top 10 most popular sites online are social networking sites, local advertisers are being bombarded with pressure from all directions to participate in the buzz. The problem is that nobody is offering very much advice on HOW to use these social sites to bring in the business.

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Harry Potter on Personal Development:: Belief Equals Reality

In the book “The Half Blood Prince,” Ron believes that he has been given , the lucky potion. Because his own belief system is changed, his reality also changes. He performs as if he had been lucky. Clearly this effect would only work if Ron already had the skills necessary to perform. The important point is how our own beliefs change our reality.

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Anthony Robbins & Deepak Chopra in Person…

The first weekend of June I had a unique opportunity to do some executive protection work (bodyguard) for some well known people visiting Salt Lake City for a convention. Many of you may not know that while I’m an internet marketer and a network marketer, by trade I’m a security professional.

While I of course don’t mean to promote Zrii in this post I do want to share some insights that I learned from these great speakers and people both on stage and backstage.

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