The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Recruiters

You are probably familiar with Stephen Covey’s best seller “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The principles taught in that book are powerful and true. Today I am going to use his basic outline of habits to teach you how to be an effective recruiter in your business. These simple principle based steps can take you from the bottom ranks of your company to the very top if you will study and apply them in sequencial order.

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Harry Potter on Personal Development:: Belief Equals Reality

In the book “The Half Blood Prince,” Ron believes that he has been given , the lucky potion. Because his own belief system is changed, his reality also changes. He performs as if he had been lucky. Clearly this effect would only work if Ron already had the skills necessary to perform. The important point is how our own beliefs change our reality.

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Passion – Key to Attraction Marketing

If your likes and dislike are just that…. simple likes than you are unlikely to form new friendships or seek out others who share your likes. If however you have strong likes that become passions you are likely to find others and inspire them to be passionate also. This is the first key: Your own Passions will drive you to find other like-passioned people…

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Ebook Giveaway

Since releasing my new ebook, “Fast Start, MLM Lessons Without Any Name Calling” people have been going CRAZY to get their hands on it. I’m now making it available for free. Why would I do this? Two simple reasons. I’m looking to expand my influence online and would like to do this by exposing more…

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Focus on You! Human Life Value

I am talking about what you are worth to yourself and to those around you. You can begin to calculate your own human life value the same way you would your financial portfolio. You too have income, expenses, assets, and liabilities that increase and decrease your human life value.

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Social Media Summed Up

Internet Marketing is changing. With the buzz right now about social media and how it is changing our focus I wanted to give all of my readers an umbrella concept that will hopefully clarify what all of this means and how each of us should be acting to take advantage of these changes. PRINCIPLE 1:…

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Social Media & Personal Branding Tools

My purpose in Social Media is quite simple. To establish meaningful relationships, brand myself as a marketing professional, and to make a profit. My greatest fear in all of this is the general amount of time I can waste in all the social media networks. So, my purpose in this article is to share with you the best tools that I have found to accomplish these; my three goals without wasting time.

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8 Keys to Financial Success Cont.

The 8 Keys to Financial Success are designed to help people with an existing stream of monthly income to achieve wealth and financial freedom. In the previous article I outlined keys 1-4. Here I will outline 5-8. 1. Let Money Work For You. Now that you have began to build your emergency fund and have paid off any credit card debt you will begin to have excess cash-flow. This “excess” cash-flow can now be channeled towards…

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8 Keys to Financial Success

Now for the purpose of this article I want to assume that you currently have a steady stream of monthly income. I am going to discuss the Paulsen 8 Keys to Financial Success but in order for these 8 keys to truly bring you success it is necessary that you already have a consistent income.…

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