Considering Self-Discipline and Will Power

If we teach ourselves simple patterns of behavior and practice the full pattern on often enough, it slowly starts to require less and less effort to achieve. That is the power of habits. Consider right now something in your life that takes effort to accomplish. Something simple. Now, consider how you can build

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My Greatest Teacher of All Time, Stephen R. Covey Passes Away

It took me about 5 months to read the book because I decided to really understand the content. I went through it with a highlighter (something I never did with a textbook) and it profoundly impacted me. It crafted, among other things, a vocabulary and context in which I could learn and practice fundamental principles that I had always

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The Art of Split Testing: Online Marketing Strategies

Split testing is the basic process of trying two very similar things to see which is more effective. With Internet marketing this could be two banner ads, landing pages, email scripts, or subject lines. Split testing is a good thing to try whenever you are trying to determine the most effective copy, image, or headline for…

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Book Review: The Zigzag Principle by Rich Christiansen

I admit that when I first read the title I was a little confused. I love anything to do with entrepreneurship despite my rather poor track record thus far. The reason I was so excited to read this book is because the author has just an established track record in starting successful companies. Rich has lauched over 30 companies with less than

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The Three Cs of Internet Marketing

That is why I now always talk about the three Cs of Internet Marketing. This gives me a framework around which I can organize my thoughts and in which the clients can better understand the complete strategy and action points. The three Cs are in a certain chronological order and need to be addressed accordingly. Strategies revolve around these three points and always in this order.

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The 3 Ways Websites and Blogs Make Money

If you recently started a blog or have a website you may be looking for creative ways to generate revenue. As I considered all the various ways to generate revenue online I was able to boil it down to just three generic methods. As you review the concepts and some of the specific examples, consider how

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12 Authors to Guide You Through 12 Books in 2012

I realized that we would need a significant enough group of people in the book club so as to offer the author high exposure and potential for book sells. Thus the goal was refined to find 12,000 other people to read 12 books with me, being lead by the author of each of the 12 books.

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