From 0 to 120,000 Email Subscribers – Interview with SendPulse Podcast

Recently I was privileged to be interviewed by the SendPulse Vice President of Sales Roy Weissman. SendPulse is a forward thinking email provider that runs the podcast in order to share ideas and successes in the email marketing industry.

Here are things Roy and I discuss in this interview:

Why did our company wait roughly 8 years to start doing any email marketing?

What to do if you don't know what to send to your email list?

How to make email an initiative that isn't a burden or has a strong ROI.

How to build your email list.

The major shift in mindset to having a quality list instead of a big list.

How to balance the sending of promotional email with content related email.

How often should you send email to your list?

What we send our subscribers for the first 7 days they are on our list.

How to monetize email if you don't have any products to sell.

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