Simple Service Project

On Saturday the teacher’s quorum and I built a deck for a couple in the ward who live in a RV. The man can’t get in and out of the RV anymore because of the steep and small stairs. We spent the last couple of Tuesday nights measuring for and buying supplies for the deck…

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Twitter – Which Comes First the Influence or Interaction?

So I’ve been having this conversation with other Internet Marketing buddies. When it comes to twitter its important to start a conversation and interact with people in a genuine and sincere way but what about just the general effort to get twitter followers? It seems that people judge your credibility based on the number of…

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The Big 3. Social Media Marketing Holy Trio

The basic concept of social networking and online marketing is the same as traditional offline marketing. Meet people, build trust, and expose them to your product/opportunity. The reason the internet is getting so much attention is because of the ability to meet so many people at once. Building credibility is made a little more difficult…

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Classic Ironies of Success

Sometimes we keep ourselves from ever achieving success because we forget the principles that govern that very goal. Here is a reminder: Only by focusing on serving others can you obtain any success. Most people wake up in the morning and wonder how they can get more from the world. The irony is in the…

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Anthony Robbins & Deepak Chopra in Person…

The first weekend of June I had a unique opportunity to do some executive protection work (bodyguard) for some well known people visiting Salt Lake City for a convention. Many of you may not know that while I'm an internet marketer and a network marketer, by trade I'm a security professional.

While I of course don't mean to promote Zrii in this post I do want to share some insights that I learned from these great speakers and people both on stage and backstage.

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Blog Content… What should you be writing?

When helping my clients set up their own personal site they often ask me what they should be writing about. Today's blog post is to answer that question. Determining your content will also help you…

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Sunday Peace @ The Gallivan Center

Today despite it being Sunday I'm working a 12 hour security shift in Salt Lake's Gallivin Center Plaza. I don't like working Sunday but I am a part of an industry which demands 24/7 work and it's important for me to take my turn. I've been warned about watching for loonies and homeleass people but…

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Entrepreneurs – Transition, Don't Leap & Other Warnings

As the internet becomes flooded with entrepreneurs and home based business owners I have a few words of caution that I would like to express. A lot of the training content on my site is an explanation of what to do; but this post is to inform you as to what not to do. 1.…

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"Tell A Friend" loosing its touch…

In our modern marketing world the tell a friend tactic is growing less and less common. Social news and social bookmarking sites like Digg and Delicious are making it easier to share web pages, blogs, etc with your online network. You need only share a link on your Facebook profile and all of your friends are exposed to it instantly. If any of them comment on it then all of their friends also become exposed to it. This is what we refer to as “viral.” How much more powerful is that type of syndication than trying to manually enter your friends email address and name so they can get an email telling them about this page?

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