Ten Reasons Why I Use Veretekk’s Internet Marketing Suite of Tools

veretekkVeretekk is at its most basic form a suite of powerful tools available at a monthly subscription. Veretekk has been around for longer than any other company in the internet marketing field and the completeness of their system is un-matched.

In addition Veretekk offers a two tier affiliate program to help compensate users who refer others to the system. Yes I am an affiliate and clicking on any of the links in this post will take you to my affiliate pages.

Top Ten Reasons I Use Veretekk

  1. Free Webcast Room. I originally found Veretekk because I was looking for the most stable and economic web conferencing technology online and I stumbled into Vereconference. With your monthly subscription comes a free 5 person webcast room and if you have need of additional or larger rooms you can just sign up for them in your own affiliate portal which makes you money.
  2. Affiliate Portals. As part of your subscription Veretekk gives you dozens of replicated websites with your own subdomain. These traffic portals have various uses which we will discuss in detail but my favorite among them is the cash. Several of those portals offer paid products/services (Vereconference among them) and when others visit these sites and buy the products/services you earn a commission.
  3. Lead Generation. Each of these traffic portal sites described above offer some type of free service. When users sign up for the free service or product, that generates a lead of someone who most likely has an interest in internet marketing (based on the nature of the services they are asking for) and thus you have a never ending supply of free leads which always include a double opt-in email address and generally also include a name, address, and phone number.
  4. Backlinks for SEO. This traffic portal websites also form your very own SEO network. Most companies pay big money to have links to their websites placed on other relevant websites in the world. Just by signing up you can put up to 5 custom links with custom anchor text on all of the dozens of traffic portal websites in your system.
  5. Veremail Email Marketing System. Within your Veretekk system you have Veremail. Veremail is your very own email marketing system. It allows you to build series of autoresponders to send to your leads or to just manage new leads that you buy or import into the system. The system goes the extra mile to ensure compliance with anti-spam laws.
  6. Free Hosting. Included in your monthly Veretekk subscription is free professional hosting with cPanel. cPanel is the same hosting software/dashboard that is used by major hosting providers such as BlueHost, Hostmonster, and Hostgator. This makes it easy to install your own WordPress site or custom landing pages for additional lead generation or web presence. Hosting is a cost of doing business online but if you can lump it into your Veretekk subscription why wouldn't you?
  7. Google Adsense Integration. Many of your traffic portals have in page advertising opportunities. All you have to do is input your Google Adsense publisher ID into your Veretekk configuration settings and your ads will automatically be served on those traffic portals where they are appropriate.
  8. Training & Support. Veretraining is available to walk you through every step of configuration and using the system. You can watch a set of pre-recorded videos, participate in live training sessions, or contact the live support team. Lets face it, technology can be complicated and doing anything right requires some work, so its important to have the right people behind you.
  9. Free Trials for Everything. Every service or product including the full Veretekk system itself has a free trial. This makes it easy for anyone to give it a test run to really discover how it works.
  10. Social Media Integration and Innovation. The team at Veretekk is always trying to stay one step ahead of the curve. This means that integrating social media is top of mind. I'm always checking the announcements board to see what they are working on next.

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