Blogs Are a Trusted Source for Moms

Recently eMarketer published an article called, “Blogs Are a Trusted Source for Moms.” This research confirmed what we have always suspected, Moms consider blogs a credible source of information and they rely on Blogs to direct their actions in many circumstances.

actions taken by moms after reading a blog graphIn 2011 we launched our Mom blog, which has been a fabulous experience thus far. It helps to round off our blog network and gives a niche audience to our advertisers. WHY, however, would advertisers want to reach moms via blog content?

Blogs are the number one most trusted online medium for Moms looking for parenting advice among other things. More trusted than Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, or Tumblr. Can you visualize it? Moms also are much more likely than any other demographic to take action after reading a blog post (see graph to the left). With this type of information advertisers may be looking for greater ways to get integrated into Blog content far beyond just banner advertising!!

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