Utah Brazilian Festival

Ami & I decided to head up to the Utah Brazilian Festival today. I went 2 years ago and it was a lot of fun. It was at the Gateway this year and so we had fun walking around and seeing all the people and activities. Simon even got a balloon and that made his…

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Coyote Gulch Backpacking Trip

      I had my doubts about the need to travel 7 hours just to have a good backpacking trip with the young men in the ward. All my doubts disappeared once we got there. As you can see from the pictures… GORGIOUS! Too get into the gulch we had to drop our packs…

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Pioneer Day

Had a good time at my first ever 10K race last Friday. This was a good prep race for my 1/2 marathon on the 8th of August.  

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Springtime is Arriving

We have had an exciting couple of weeks. I’m trying to make it a goal to get out of the house with Simon and Ami as often as possible. Last week we decided to go see Stonehenge. As famous as it is we weren’t super impressed, but Simon had a good time climbing on the…

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The First Day of Spring

As you will see by the pictures below Simon & I enjoyed the first day of spring. We celebrated by making our back yard appear as it did in the fall. I used the leaf blower to blow all the leaves off of the back fence area into the grass where we will in turn…

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Winter Campout

This is the view I woke up to on Saturday morning. I went on a ice fishing trip with the young men from the church this weekend. We went to the current creek reservoir which is close to strawberry reservoir in central Utah. The first adventure came when one of the boys informed me that…

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Pioneer Day 5K Classic

Yesterday Ami and I both ran in the Provo Pioneer Day 5K Classic. About a month 1/2 ago I had the idea to run a 5K for the first time in almost 8 years. I figured that I could use it for a business opportunity to share the Agel Gel Supplements that I market and…

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