Harry Potter Personal Development:: Compassion and Kindness

Harry is young and perhaps we should only expect so much from him, but we can learn from this bad example. A little compassion and understanding can go a long way. When it all comes down to it I dare say that in the 7 books we read Harry never gives his family a reason to love him. Even when people treat us with complete disregard and contempt we must learn to…

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Anthony Robbins & Deepak Chopra in Person…

The first weekend of June I had a unique opportunity to do some executive protection work (bodyguard) for some well known people visiting Salt Lake City for a convention. Many of you may not know that while I’m an internet marketer and a network marketer, by trade I’m a security professional.

While I of course don’t mean to promote Zrii in this post I do want to share some insights that I learned from these great speakers and people both on stage and backstage.

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Why I’m Winning and You Are Failing…

Do you have goals? Of course you have goals, and so do I. Despite how public you make them or how often you think about them we all have goals. What separates people is the question of achieving those goals. Lets outline some of the principles that play the BIG roles in your success or failure at achieving your goals.

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Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Sometimes we have to stretch ourselves a little. How often do we really stick out our own necks to perform? In an effort to both make the goal and publicly declare it I am writing this post. On August 8th, 2008 I will run a half marathon here in Provo, Utah. The Provo River Trail…

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