Facebook and The Gun Industry – What You Need To Know

Operating a business in the firearm industry even if you don’t sell guns, comes with complications and risk. This article is part of a series of articles I’m publishing about various online platforms, merchant providers, and tools that have policies related to the firearm industry. Aside from being a popular social media website and platform,…

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How We Approach Our Social Content Strategy

This article is meant to review our own company appraoch to dealing with social media and leveraging it as a platform. Not to suggest we have it all figured out but I think this may be helpful to a really small business who is feeling overwhelmed by the consumer expectation. Objective Our customers and members…

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Online Money Machine Experiment Documented

Online marketing is about building machines in which you can put in money on one side of the machine and more money comes out on the other side of the machine. These machines, often referred to as Funnels vary from very complex to very simple.

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The Art of Split Testing: Online Marketing Strategies

Split testing is the basic process of trying two very similar things to see which is more effective. With Internet marketing this could be two banner ads, landing pages, email scripts, or subject lines. Split testing is a good thing to try whenever you are trying to determine the most effective copy, image, or headline for…

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3 Other Great Places to Buy PPC Advertising

Are you tired of Google Adwords yet? I’m as big a fan of buying ads from Google as the next guy but sometimes you need to try new things. There are some great other sites out there where I think you will find its really easy to target your customers.

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The Three Cs of Internet Marketing

That is why I now always talk about the three Cs of Internet Marketing. This gives me a framework around which I can organize my thoughts and in which the clients can better understand the complete strategy and action points. The three Cs are in a certain chronological order and need to be addressed accordingly. Strategies revolve around these three points and always in this order.

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Top Ten Most Influential Retailers According to Klout

Klout recently published a list of the top 10 most influential retailers this holiday season. Consider that in order to be influential these retailers must engage customers in conversation. I imagine that this is a significant customer service channel for most of these businesses but its also a revenue generator.

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How You Lose Fans and Followers on Facebook & Twitter

I subscribe to the blog of Matt McGee, a search engine optimization expert of keeps a great blog for small business owners. Today I stumbled upon some research that he shared a little while ago about the reasons why consumers unfollow and unlike businesses on Twitter and Facebook. I think this is very insightful information.…

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Facebook & Twitter for Local Businesses

One of the most common things I’ve heard from local advertisers when discussing internet marketing and SEO is, “How am I supposed to use Facebook & Twitter for my business?” Local businesses know very little about internet marketing on average. They generally know that they need a good website and that they are supposed to have a Facebook page and Twitter. In a society where 4 of the top 10 most popular sites online are social networking sites, local advertisers are being bombarded with pressure from all directions to participate in the buzz. The problem is that nobody is offering very much advice on HOW to use these social sites to bring in the business.

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