The Road to Reinvention by Josh Linkner

One of my favorite insights was the need to reinvent processes. Sometimes we get stuck assuming that innovation and reinvention need to happen in our product line and development. Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs happen when we take a bigger look at the way we do something and reinvent the process. Organizations need to stop doing things the way they have always been done.

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Execution IS The Strategy by Laura Stack

The majority of the book is dedicated to helping individuals, leaders, and organizations identify where their execution is weak and how to address it. As the diagram suggest, the book is divided into 4 core parts (which create the acronym L-E-A-D) with 3 sub sections to each of those 4 parts.

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Compelling People by Matthew Kohut and John Neffinger

This book is a unique and powerful look at real science and research to determine the various factors that influence others. The book is broken into two parts. First is “The Hand You Were Dealt” and this section deals with some of the research based facts that surround being a certain gender, ethnicity, have certain…

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The Behavior Gap by Carl Richards

Carl teaches that we all are motivated by fear and greed. Most of us are motivated by both but generally lean toward one or the other. This is why so many financial planners have their clients take some sort of test to judge their tolerance of risk.

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Ctrl Alt Delete by Mitch Joel

One of the biggest lessons for me were Mitch’s thoughts about Utility Marketing. Digital media has forced companies to figure out how they can stop broadcasting messages and advertising and start creating more value to their customers. By becoming useful we create a relationship with the consumer.

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Hunger Games Trilogy Book Review

For me, this is above all else a story about the nature of humanity, the human need for power, and the individual struggle of discovery one’s identity, deeper purpose and place in the games of life. The story is different from many of the traditionally popular literary epics that tell a story of Good VS Evil

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