Ctrl Alt Delete by Mitch Joel

Ctrl Alt DeleteIn December I read the newest book by “Media Hacker” Mitch Joel. This was followed up by a live Q&A call I hosted with Mitch. Ctrl Alt Delete, despite its name is a positive book about opportunity in the new world of digital media. The book is seemingly split into two; first addressing businesses and organizations and then addressing individuals.

The book really addresses the idea that media is changing so fast that we all have a need of starting afresh with a new strategy, new plan, and new tools.

One of the biggest lessons for me were Mitch's thoughts about Utility Marketing. Digital media has forced companies to figure out how they can stop broadcasting messages and advertising and start creating more value to their customers. By becoming useful we create a relationship with the consumer.

Mitch also speaks about how in today's world we are all publishers. Publishing content is no longer reserved for newspapers and broadcast companies. This wave of content forces us to stand above the noise and dig deeper to create value.

Mitch reiterates the importance of mining data and making informed decisions. Even small local businesses today can quickly gather fast and relevant data about their product, market, and customers to help grow the business faster and improve it's service or product.

These are among some of the great concepts discussed in the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who is overwhelmed with the introduction of digital media and to anyone who works in the media or marketing industry.

The book is available in Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, and Audio

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