Favorite Web Services 2

In continuation from my previous post “Favorite Web Services 1″ I would like to show you a couple more awesome web services that everyone should be aware of.

geni logoGeni is an online revolutionary geneology service. Its modern design helps you catalog your ancestry but in addition you will be able to keep track of birthdays and other recent news shared by family members. Search for long lost relatives and even add friends not related to you.

google labs logoGoogle now has a new Website Creator. The genius of this new google program is that unlike many company website design programs google will also host your site for free. You can have as many pages as you would like and can integrate images and links etc. The one downside may be that the domain for your site will be http://yourgoogleid.googlepages.com This can be quickly solved though by purchasing a domain from somewhere like GoDaddy.com and
forwarding your domain to your google page. When you do the forward be sure to mask it.

google labs logoGoogle has also developed an elaborate SMS information system. You can send a text message from your phone to googl (46645) with an inquiry such as a phonebook request, weather info, sports scores, etc. The service is amazingly fast. It never takes more than 10 seconds to get a text message back with the requested info. If you are looking for the phone number or address for the local Staples just text “staples denver, co” to 46645 and in seconds you have all the info you want. There is no cost in addition to the normal cost to send and receive the text message.

woot logoWoot.com is an amazing site that offers exactly one product each day. You can often buy multiple of the one item but watch out because they have
stellar deals. The webmasters are very creative and even if you don’t want the item of the day it might be worth reading about it anyway.

Jacob Paulsen

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