Likeable Business by Dave Kerpen

Likeable Business

This week I finished reading “Likeable Business” by Dave Kerpen. When I found out I would be reading this book in 2013 as part of my book group I decided to first read “Likeable Social Media,” fearing that I might be reading a sequel without reading the first book. That wasn't the case.

I'm glad I decided to read Likable Social Media first because the book was awesome. It was the best hands on “how-to” book on social media for business that I've ever read and I've read quite a few.

Likeable Business is it's own book. It specifically addresses how any person or organization can become more… well likeable. Since likeability is a critical value in our growing transparent society, I think this material could really apply to anyone in any industry or personal pursuit.

Dave Kerpen outlines 11 principles of Likeable businesses. Each principle makes up it's own chapter. I love books that are laid out like that. It makes it easier to read in chunks and it tends to make a lot more sense to me.

Without spoiling the book let me say that Kerpen hit it on it's head. We all need to practice and develop these principles. One of these for example is Gratitude. Kerpen believes in showing gratitude and he is able to relate how this critical asset affects the bottom lines of business on and offline.

Another principle in the book is Authenticity. A lack of authenticity is not only foolish on the part of any individual or organization but Kerpen also shows that it is toxic and deceiving.

Before finishing this book I gave a copy to a business colleague  A few weeks later when we spoke on the phone he thanked me profusely. So, I give you my own endorsement and that of another internet marketing professional!

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