The Four Cycles of Reaching Your Goal

What Does 4 Laps Have to do With Goal Setting? In high school I learned about goal setting when I ran distance races in track and field. My favorite was the mile (technically 1600 meter) race. A standard American track is 400 meters around which makes the 1600 meter race exactly 4 laps. There is…

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Self Discovery: Retracing my Steps

One of the biggest steps of personal development is self discovery. Self discovery includes the search for one’s own strengths, weaknesses, inspirations, motivations, and more. The better you understand yourself the greater chance you have at improving the core. One of the things I have been doing recently to understand myself better is in searching…

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Do you know where Nike came from?

I know this might come as a shock but Nike was not born to give Micheal Jordan something to wear. Nike was born to fit the shoe of running legend Steve Prefontaine. Running sports have never had a large following perhaps because they just aren’t as much fun to watch or because they tend to…

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Why I’m Winning and You Are Failing…

Do you have goals? Of course you have goals, and so do I. Despite how public you make them or how often you think about them we all have goals. What separates people is the question of achieving those goals. Lets outline some of the principles that play the BIG roles in your success or failure at achieving your goals.

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Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Sometimes we have to stretch ourselves a little. How often do we really stick out our own necks to perform? In an effort to both make the goal and publicly declare it I am writing this post. On August 8th, 2008 I will run a half marathon here in Provo, Utah. The Provo River Trail…

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