The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Recruiters

You are probably familiar with Stephen Covey’s best seller “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The principles taught in that book are powerful and true. Today I am going to use his basic outline of habits to teach you how to be an effective recruiter in your business. These simple principle based steps can take you from the bottom ranks of your company to the very top if you will study and apply them in sequencial order.

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How To Master Social Media Principles in Less than 2 Pages!

I get a lot of phone calls from online friends who need assistance in setting up their websites and their social media profiles to begin working in internet marketing and social networking. Every once in awhile I think to myself that I should write a 2 page guide to “Online Domination Setup” which I could…

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Ebook Giveaway

Since releasing my new ebook, “Fast Start, MLM Lessons Without Any Name Calling” people have been going CRAZY to get their hands on it. I’m now making it available for free. Why would I do this? Two simple reasons. I’m looking to expand my influence online and would like to do this by exposing more…

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Owning Your Own Business is the Path to Freedom

As long as you trade your time for money you cannot achieve freedom. Some people argue that being paid salary or being self-employed doesn’t constitute trading time for money but I disagree. Ask yourself this question: If you don’t do any work for the next two weeks would your paychecks still arrive? If you answer no than you are still trading your time for money. The only way to stop this cycle is…

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