Team Paulsen Triathalon

One year ago today I ran my first 1/2 marathon. Yesterday I competed in a Triathlon relay with my Father and my Brother. One year from now… who knows.

The BAM triathlon takes place in Midway UT. My 35 yr old brother Jeff swam 1500 meters in the Deer Creek Reservoir to start off the morning. While he swims on a regular basis he still had to face his first ever swim in open water and having to wear a wet suit which constricts movement and breathing to a certain extent. He did fantastic and finished in about 15 minutes less than he had expected.

My almost 62 year old Dad biked for 22 miles! This is the first time he has ever gone that distance and we were all very impressed when he finished about 30 minutes faster than he had expected! This was shaping up to be a wonderful day.

I ran the last leg of the relay. A 10K run on the 2002 Olympic Cross Country Ski trail at Soldier’s Hollow. I faced some obstacles as well since I been fighting a Sinus infection all week, having not run since Tuesday. It was the longest run I’ve been on all year and perhaps the highest elevation I’ve run at in 10 years. It was also tremendously hilly and really beat me up bad.

All said and done though Team Paulsen finished the race and we are very proud to have done so. There is a certain new bond that was formed between the three of us. A type of bond that I’m guessing can only be formed when you are part of a team that has accomplished something great! What a wonderful family experience.

Thank you Ami and all the other family who came to bear the hot sun whilst cheering us on.


  1. Linda/Mom on August 8, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    What a great day. This will be important for all of us, especially the three of you “athletes.” It was a proud day for me, as mom and wife. Nothing is quite as special as seeing the people I love most doing something significant together. All of us there will remember it always. thanks for the video record. We’ll be sharing our photos on my blog…look for it.

  2. Steve Paulsen on August 8, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    You got some great footage of the “EVENT!” We were all amazing and performed better than we expected. I was amazed at how fast Jeff got through that mile! I amazed myself at keeping a better pace than I though that I could. The course was mild in terms of challenge. Then Jacob was amazing on what could only be called a difficult course over mountains and tough terrain. He did his part in the heat of the day and not feeling perfectly well after sickness and no real chance to practice. We all did it in pretty high altitude, too. No use bragging we didn’t have a remarkable time BUT WE MADE IT!!

  3. Ami Paulsen on August 9, 2010 at 11:45 am

    I’m very proud of all three of you. I’m glad we have a tradition of things like this in our family. Maybe one day, I won’t be pregnant and I can do things like this with you. You’re my hero.

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