Personal Development Books to Read Every Year
There are certain books that I try to read/listen to every year. These would be my all stars of personal development and business. Though you
may not choose to read these books every year I do highly recommend reading them at least once and creating your own list of “every year”
books. To see all my book reviews visit my goodreads list on my facebook or myspace profile.
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen R. Covey is a genius without question but this book is still very applicable even 25 years after it was written. It seems like every time I read it a different habit really sticks out to me.
- Rich Dad Poor Dad. Robert Kiyosaki is an amazing author in addition to being an investing genius. This number one best seller
teaches the basic principles of business & money that I believe govern our financial world. He does a great job of teaching these
principles along with telling a personal story. - 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. John Maxwell is a great teacher. In this book he outlines the governing principles that dictate
leadership. By mastering these laws you begin to lead, like it or not:) - Who Took My Money. Robert Kiyosaki does it again for me. Here he continues the Rich Dad story and teaches the basic principles in
regards to cash flow and investing. An absolute must. - Think & Grow Rich. Napolean Hill sacrificed many years of his life to put together this book of governing principles. He
interviewed the most influencial and richest people in America and this is what he learned.
Some other books I try and read over and over again.
- How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
- The Greatest Salesman in the World – Og Mandino
- 1776 – David McCullough
- Good to Great – Jim Collins
- Speed of Trust – Stephen M. R. Covey
- Raving Fans – Ken Blanchard
Jacob Paulsen