Finding a Niche:: Internet Marketing

As you begin your work in internet marketing you will start hearing the word “niche” a lot. A niche is a specific topic or area of discussion which tends to be unique and of interest to your market. Finding a good niche in our current condition is very difficult. There are far too many people with blogs that discuss social media, internet marketing, and network marketing.

This just means that it becomes that much more important to make yourself stand out. Here are some simple helpful hints to help you in the process of finding your niche.

1. Remember that any niche will do. Just because your end goal is to build a list of high quality contacts and build relationships of credibility and trust does not mean you have to write about mlm, social media, or the like. Open your mind to a broader range of possibilities.

2. Make a list of your greatest areas of expertise. What things/subjects do you know more about than most average people? Perhaps something in relation to your current Finding Your Nicheprofession or one of your hobbies?

3. Do not rule out any ideas just because there might be only a small group of people out there who are interested in your expertize. These might be the most valuable ideas because they have little niche competition. Your audience is the whole world afterall and there are likely to be millions of people out there who are also interested in the same thing.

4. Consider your ability to create never ending content about your niche. You have to be able to write new articles about the subject for years on end. Is your niche that broad?

5. How difficult would it be to produce products in reference to your niche. A long term strategy will be producing a product that you can launch to your audience as they grow.

6. Make sure it’s fascinating to you. If you choose a subject that you are passionate about others will feel that and you will be more likely to stick with it.

7. Some of the best niches talk about ways to feel joy or eliminate pain. These are the two most powerful motivators for mankind. Weightloss sites quite overdone but that would be a good example of a niche driven toward eliminating pain and finding joy.

I hope these quick ideas will be helpful in finding your niche!

Jacob S. Paulsen

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