Turn the Ship Around by David Marquet

Turn-the-ship-aroundThis book is full of simple and clear insights that work together to help anyone create a “leader/leader” culture. The author tells the story of his own experience as a captain in the US Navy and uses his experience to illustrate how to transform an organization that is used to top down command type leadership into one he describes as “Leader/Leader” in which each individual is truly empowered and proactive.

I especially like the way the book is laid out into chapters will clear summaries at the end of each chapter with a review of the principle and how to put it into action.

My favorite quote from the book, “Move Authority to Where the Information Is.”

A few of the other golden nuggets I gleaned:

The true ability of leadership is only measured and known after the leader leaves the organization. It is his “clock-builder” skills and not time-keeping skills that prove the test of time. This puts a greater emphasis on moving authority down the ladder.

In order for the leader/leader model to work you must have competence and clarity. Competence requires a lot of training and finding the right people. Clarity requires making sure that everyone in the organization understand the WHY and has clear communication and expectations.

Read this book and you will learn and improve!

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