Why I’m Winning and You Are Failing…

Do you have goals? Of course you have goals, and so do I. Despite how public you make them or how often you think about them we all have goals. What separates people is the question of achieving those goals. Lets outline some of the principles that play the BIG roles in your success or failure at achieving your goals.

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How To Master Social Media Principles in Less than 2 Pages!

I get a lot of phone calls from online friends who need assistance in setting up their websites and their social media profiles to begin working in internet marketing and social networking. Every once in awhile I think to myself that I should write a 2 page guide to “Online Domination Setup” which I could…

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Analyze the Companies in Network Marketing

Now, I’m assuming that you have read my article about Principles of the Network Marketing model and that you are across that bridge. I am assuming that you have reached that logical conclusion that the network marketing business model is indeed superior. The next step then is the ability to analyze the companies and opportunities within the industry and determine what factors make some better than others. The logical conclusion is that if some companies are better than others at any given moment there must be consistent factors that we could recognize that determine which are the better companies and

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