Flickr Tutorial – How to setup & use Flickr

I met up on the phone with a good friend from Arizona to help them set up and use Flickr. I’m still amazed that I was able to get this one done in less than 10 minutes! To see other tutorial videos check out my youtube channel or click on the tutorials page above!

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WordPress – How To Post Correctly

In the series of video tutorials I have been preparing I’ve received a lot of requests to do some more specific Wordpress tutorial videos. Wordpress has become the most popular website/blog tool online today and while most people are super tech savy the wordpress platform allows for anyone to create a great website with powerful content.

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Social Media Summed Up

Internet Marketing is changing. With the buzz right now about social media and how it is changing our focus I wanted to give all of my readers an umbrella concept that will hopefully clarify what all of this means and how each of us should be acting to take advantage of these changes. PRINCIPLE 1:…

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The Social Media Revolution

Social Media is changing the world. No longer do people turn to traditional forms of media such as tv, newspapers, radio, etc for their news & information. The internet has made the world transparent and social media networks such as facebook, youtube, twitter, etc are changing the way people get their information. Business owners and…

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Social Media & Personal Branding Tools

My purpose in Social Media is quite simple. To establish meaningful relationships, brand myself as a marketing professional, and to make a profit. My greatest fear in all of this is the general amount of time I can waste in all the social media networks. So, my purpose in this article is to share with you the best tools that I have found to accomplish these; my three goals without wasting time.

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Owning Your Own Business is the Path to Freedom

As long as you trade your time for money you cannot achieve freedom. Some people argue that being paid salary or being self-employed doesn’t constitute trading time for money but I disagree. Ask yourself this question: If you don’t do any work for the next two weeks would your paychecks still arrive? If you answer no than you are still trading your time for money. The only way to stop this cycle is…

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